Sunday, March 31, 2019

One At A Time...

Sometimes words are needed to bridge the distance silences can’t.

“Just one.”
“No, Sameer.”
“Because...I can’t.”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“You know it isn’t about that.”
“Why won’t you let me?”
“I can’t.”
“Sameer, please stop.”
“You’re not making this any better.”
“You’re not trying to understand.”
“Because you aren’t trying to explain.”
“I don’t want to talk about this. Why are we ruining this moment?”
“The moment has already been ruined, Naina.”

“I don’t believe this script.”
“What’s so unbelievable?”
“This...these petty arguments between us.”
“You mean between Naina and Sameer.”
“ know what I mean.”
“I find these arguments anything but petty, Randeep.”
“Are you serious? I get the fact that we’re set in the 90s but what about trust?”
“Definitely more significant than it is today.”
“Exactly. Then why the hesitance?”
“About what?”
“About a mere kiss, Ashi.”
“You cannot possibly demean this to just a ‘mere’ kiss, Randeep.”
“You’re actually going to defend Naina?”
“Aren’t you doing the same with Sameer?”
“That’s because I can totally relate, Ashi. He’s right.”
“Oh really?”
“Of course, wouldn’t you?”
“Clearly, I don’t.”
“His demands aren’t wrong. He’s just asking for a kiss.”
“A kiss.”
“Suppose you’re married. Would it be wrong for you to kiss your husband?”
“It’s not about right or wrong. It’s about the fact that nothing is either right or wrong.”
“This would be a killer dialogue if it were in the show, Ashi.”
“Your nonchalance is highly irritating, Randeep. Don’t you care?”
“Don’t you? Doesn’t Naina? About Sameer?”
“She does. She does with all her heart. She did everything for Sameer.”
“Like walking in those heels, keeping his wish over her pain. Like listening to his beratments. All the time. About food preferences. Dressing style. Everything. No one would do that unless they cared.”
“You don’t think he did? Sweet gestures. Extravagant breakfasts. Memorable toy train rides. Taking pictures. He even took care of her when she was down with the flu.”
“Yeah, with Brandy.”
“It’s medicine.”
“It’s alcohol.”
“It’s all about perspectives.”
“Exactly my point.”
“What are you trying to say? Have I not respected Naina’s feelings?”
“You’re just not respecting them now.”
“Because I know you want the same.”
“I do. But it takes time.”
“For what?
“To embrace new changes with the same level of comfortability.”
“You haven’t been asked to kiss a stranger.”
“But I have been asked to kiss.”
“Me, your husband, Ashi. Someone you’ve known for the past four years.”
“Time isn’t the point, Randeep.”
Then what is?”
“It’s not easy. Has never been. And will never be, especially for a conservative girl like me.”
“Once again, I--”
“Will you let me complete?”
“Fine. Go on.”
“It’s not easy to physically surrender yourself to someone. It’s not easy to open up to someone, no matter how long you’ve known them for. It’s not easy to be explicit.”
“But it’s easy to fall in love?”
“Why do the two have to go together?”
“That’s the difference. It’s not compulsion. It’s desire. It’s the wanting that eventually becomes a necessity, a solace.”
“Perhaps, I’ll never understand that.”
“You will, when you fall in love.”
“So much that I’ll be able to cross all boundaries. Maybe. And maybe, someday you’ll understand my point.”
“You think I haven’t?”
“I’m totally unconvinced.”
“You’re mistaken then.”
“You sure about that?”
“How are you always so sure?”
“That’s because we’re always more mature than you boys.”
“Except the one time when we want you to be.”
“That was the most offensive comment you’ve ever passed, Randeep.”
“The truth is often harsh, baby.”
“I’m not wrong.”
“You’re not right either.”
“I’ve explained my feelings, how about you put forth your stand too.”
“It’s called faith, Ashi.”
“I just explained--”
“Trust on someone to a neverending extent. If it’s not that, it’s not love.”
“You can’t say that. Love is a very pure emotion.”
“Desires aren’t sinful.”
“I never said they were.”
“You clearly meant that.”
“You just said it’s not a compulsion. Well, the transformation takes time, Randeep.”
“Even with the person you trust the most?”
“Yes. Because it takes an eternity to secure faith. And not even a second to break that trust. It takes time to assure myself that this trust will never waver, no matter what. It takes time to accept my flaws and show them to you. It takes time because I’m most at risk.”
“Any step towards this doesn’t affect you as much as it affects me.”
“That’s a huge misconception, Ashi.”
“You bet.”
“Why do you consider me heartless? Don’t I have something called feelings?”
“I don’t mean that.”
“I too can feel used, Ashi.”
“I didn’t mean that, Randeep.”
“Oh you so did.”
“Fine. I admit I did. Because that’s what happens most of the time.”
“We could be the anomaly, have you ever thought about that?”
“What would make me think that?”
“Because we truly love each other. It’s not lust.”
“I know...but I-I don’t know, okay. I’m just not ready.”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“This discussion seems pointless when you’re not ready to accept.”
“Are you?”
“Leave my hand.”
“When I can hold on to your hand, when I can pull you close, when I can draw circles on the veins that reflect your erratic heartbeat, when I can cup your face in my hands so delicately as if it were a precious treasure, when I can stroke your hair to comfort you, when I can kiss your forehead at times of assurance, when I can softly brush my fingers against your skin to sweetly tantalize you, can I not ask for a french kiss?”
“Say something.”
“You make this so simple and surreal, I’d give you one right now.”
“Why didn’t these words come to my mind before?”
“Because they were waiting for the right moment.”
“See...I didn’t ruin the moment.”
“That’s because I saved it.”


  1. I am speechless
    Muskan baby I really wish yehi sb hota ho offscreen bhi
    ashdeep are pure love


  2. Muskan! You have put this idea of yours so aesthetically. Wow! I am simply in love with this... <3


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